• Intel Software Developer Workshop 2019

    21 maio de 2019 | Hotel Tivoli Oriente | Presencial | Lisboa | Sem Custo

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21 maio de 2019 | Hotel Tivoli Oriente| Presencial | Lisboa|  Sem Custo

Danysoft celebra o “Intel Software Developer Workshop 2019” em Lisboa

Descubra a nova inspiração do High Performance Computing e Inteligência Artificial nesta sessão prática, onde aprenderá sobre as novas possibilidades oferecidas pela Intel, a realizar no dia 21 de Maio de 2019 em Lisboa.

O Workshop estará focado nas últimas novidades na área de Inteligência Artificial e High Performance Computing. Terá também oportunidade de modernizar e programar  junto de grandes profissionais de software, com as mais recentes ferramentas da Intel.

Não hesite e deixe-se involver pela nossa equipa de especialistas em desenvolvimento de software e consultores neste Workshop técnico e prático. Reserve já o seu lugar e una-se ao nosso seminário sobre Parallel Programing, Performance Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Vectorization and High Performance Computing.


Temas que trataremos durante as sessões:

  • 8:30 | Registration & Light breakfast

  • 09:00 | Getting Deeper into Intel® Software Development Tools

    This session will introduce Intel tools, including Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio, comprehensive suites of development tools to build and modernize code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multithreading, multinode parallelization, memory optimization and an all-in-one, cross-platform tool suite, purpose-built to simplify system bring-up and improve system and IoT device application performance on Intel® platforms.

  • 10:00 | Performance optimization using Intel® Compiler with simulation of a dynamical system of particles simulation code

    Step by step, the attendee will be able to understand how to modify the code of an N-body simulation code, simulation of a dynamical system of particles under the influence of gravity forces, thru different optimization stages spanning from scalar tuning, vectorization tuning, memory tuning and threading tuning.

  • 11:00 | Coffee break

  • 11:30 | Vectorization with Intel® VTune & Advisor, Multithreading with Tbb

    In this lab, we’ll work on the Barnes-Hut tree algorithm to subdivide a family of points in the plane. This algorithm is used in many high-performance computing projects in astrophysics, in the study of the stealth properties of aircraft and the fault openings in the earth crust. From a non-optimized C++ code, we’ll first spend time on vectorization with the help of Intel Advisor before leveraging multithreading with Threading Building Blocks (TBB), that will allow us nested and well-balanced parallelism.

  • 12:45 | Lunch Break (Sky bar)

  • 13:45 | Getting deeper into the Intel® AI Software Stack for Developers & Data Scientists

    Faster Machine Learning and Deep Learning with optimized Frameworks

    This session, after first introducting the Intel® Distribution for Python, will mainly cover and demonstrate Intel’s technical best practices for faster time to solution for developing and deploying Machine Learning and Deep Learning training on Intel CPU based platforms. The session will cover Intel® Distribution for Python, Intel DAAL Library, NumPy / SciPy.

  • 15:15 | Deep Learning inference on Intel® based platforms

    In this session we will introduce the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit. Based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), the toolkit extends workloads across Intel® hardware (including accelerators) and maximizes performance with deployment on Intel CPU, GPU, Movidius, and Intel FPGAs.

  • 17:30 | Networking with drinks and finger-food

Não perca a oportunidade de reunir-se com professionais da inteligência artificial e de computação!


Como encontrar-nos e como chegar ao nosso destino?


A partir deste link, pode fazer download dos restante materiais, como tutoriais de vetorização, compilação, etc…

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