Livro oneAPI:
This book is about programming for data parallelism using C++. If you are new to parallel programming, that is okay. If you have never heard of SYCL or the DPC++ compiler, that is also okay.
SYCL is an industry-driven Khronos standard adding data parallelism to C++ for heterogeneous systems. DPC++ is an open source compiler project that is based on SYCL, a few extensions, and broad heterogeneous support that includes GPU, CPU, and FPGA support. All examples in this book compile and work with DPC++ compilers.
If you are a C programmer who is not well versed in C++, you are in good company. Several of the authors of this book happily admit that we picked up C++ by reading books that used C++ like this one. With a little patience, this book should be approachable by C programmers with a desire to write modern C++ programs.
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