Chilkat Encryption componente para Encriptar aplicaciones C#, VB.NET y ASP.NET

Soporta los siguientes métodos de encriptación:
Componente Chilkat para encriptación

  • Symmetric Encryption: AES, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2, ARC4, DES, 3DES, PBES1, PBES2.
  • Hash Algorithms: SHA-1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD2, MD4, MD5, HAVAL.
  • Hash Algorithms: RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320.
  • Encoding: Base64, hex, quoted-printable, URL-encoding.
  • HMAC with any supported hash algorithm: HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, etc.
  • Password-based Key Derivation Functions: PBKDF1, PBKDF2
  • PKCS7 — P7S and P7M creation, decryption, verification.
  • Public key encryption/decryption with digital certificates.
  • Digital signature creation/verification with digital certificates.
  • Bzip2 in-memory compression.
  • Encrypt / decrypt strings or byte data.
  • Return encrypted data as Base64, quoted-printable, or hex-encoded strings.
  • Hash strings or binary data using SHA1, MD2, MD5, HAVAL, SHA384, or SHA512.
  • Public-key encryption with digital certificates.
  • Create and verify digital signatures.
  • Pre-convert Unicode strings to ANSI (single-byte/char) before encrypting.
  • Pre-convert Unicode strings to any charset before encrypting, compressing, or hashing.
  • Base64 encode strings or byte data.
  • Hex-encode encode strings or byte data.
  • Compress strings or byte data with the BZIP2 compression algorithm.
  • Implements FIPS81 padding scheme for AES.
  • Up to 256-bit encryption is supported.
  • Set binary secret-key directly for symmetric encryption algorithms.
  • Initialization vectors.
  • CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) Mode
  • ECB (Electronic Cookbook) Mode
  • Random byte data generation.
  • Streaming hashing (pass data to hashing functions in chunks).
  • Streaming encryption (pass data to encryption functions in chunks).

También está disponible para Ruby, Python, Perl, Java, C++ o como componente ActiveX.

Para mas información sobre el componente Chilkat de encriptación o su licenciamiento, no dudes en contactar con tu comercial habitual en Danysoft. [+]

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